Reyes-Castro L.A., Padilla-Gómez E., Parga-Martínez N.J., Castro-Rodríguez D.C., Quirarte G.L. Díaz-Cintra S., Nathanielsz P.W. and Zambrano E. Hippocampal mechanisms in impaired spatial learning and memory in male offspring of rats fed a low-protein isocaloric diet in pregnancy and/or lactation. Hippocampus 2017 Aug 26.

Prado-Alcalá R.A., Medina A.C., Bello-Medina, P. C. and Quirarte GL., Inhibition of transcription and translation in the striatum after memory reactivation: Lack of evidence of reconsolidation., Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, May 2017; 142, 21–29

Pérez CS, Serafín N, Prado-Alcalá RA, Roozendaal B, Quirarte GL., Glucocorticoid administration into the dorsolateral but not dorsomedial striatum accelerates the shift from a spatial toward procedural memory., Neurobiol Learn Mem. 2017 Mar 30. pii: S1074-7427(17)30054-0. doi: 10.1016/j.nlm.2017.03.020.

González-Franco DA, Ramírez-Amaya V, Joseph-Bravo P, Prado-Alcalá RA, Quirarte GL., Differential Arc protein expression in dorsal and ventral striatum after moderate and intense inhibitory avoidance training., Neurobiol Learn Mem. 2017 Apr;140:17-26. doi: 10.1016/j.nlm.2017.02.001.

Bello-Medina PC, Flores G, Quirarte GL, McGaugh JL, Prado Alcalá RA., Mushroom spine dynamics in medium spiny neurons of dorsal striatum associated with memory of moderate and intense training., PNAS 2016 Oct. 3

Atsak P, Guenzel FM, Kantar-Gok D, Zalachoras I, Yargicoglu P, Meijer OC, Quirarte GL, Wolf OT, Schwabe L, Roozendaal B. , Glucocorticoids mediate stress-induced impairment of retrieval of stimulus-response memory. , Psychoneuroendocrinology, May 2016; 67, 207-215,

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