Articles: 157 (average impact: 4.6); Book chapters: 19: Citations: 6313 (by May 2023).
(Last update: May 2023, click here for full list).

Selected Articles Five selected articles from the last 2 years (average impact: 5.45).

Núñez-Amaro CD, López M, Adán-Castro E, Robles-Osorio ML, García-Franco L, García-Roa M, Villalpando-Robles Y, Ramírez-Neria P, Pineiro N, Rubio-Mijangos JF, Sánchez J, Ramírez-Hernández G, Siqueiros-Márquez L, Díaz-Lezama N, López-Star E, Bertsch T, Martínez de la Escalera G, Triebel J, Clapp C. Levosulpiride for the treatment of diabetic macular oedema: A phase 2 randomized clinical trial. EYE. In press. 2023.

Robles JP, Zamora M, Martínez de la Escalera G, Clapp C. The spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 induces endothelial inflammation through integrin ?5?1 and NF-?B signaling. Journal of Biological Chemistry 298(3):101695, 2022. (Doi: 10.1016/j.jbc.2022.101695. FI: 4.238).

Adán-Castro E, Siqueiros-Márquez L, Ramírez-Hernández G, Díaz-Lezama N, Ruiz-Herrera X, Nuñez FF, Nuñez-Amaro CD, Robles-Osorio ML, Bertsch T, Triebel J, Martínez de la Escalera G, Clapp C. Sulpiride-induced hyperprolactinemia increases retinal vasoinhibin and protects against diabetic retinopathy in rats. Journal of Neuroendocrinology: Translational and Clinical Neuroendocrinology 34:e13091, 2022. (Doi:10.1111/jne.13091. FI: 3.627).

Robles JP, Zamora M, Siqueiros-Marquez L, Adan-Castro E, Ramirez-Hernadez G, Nuñez FF, Lopez-Casillas F, Millar RP, Bertsch T, Martínez de la Escalera G, Tiebel J, Clapp C. The HGR motif is the antiangiogenic determinant of vasoinhibin: implications for a therapeutic orally active oligopeptide. Angiogenesis 25:57-70, 2022. (Doi: 10.1007/s10456-021-09800-x. FI: 9.78).

Ortíz G, Ledesma-Colunga MG, Zhijian Wu Z, García-Rodrigo JF, Adán N, Martínez-Díaz OF, de Los Ríos EA, López-Barrera F, Martínez de la Escalera G, Clapp C. Vasoinhibin is generated and promotes inflammation in mild antigen-induced arthritis. Endocrinology 163(5):1, 2022. (Doi: 10.1210/endocr/bqac036. FI: 5.045).

Laboratory A-14
Instituto de Neurobiología
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
UNAM Campus Juriquilla
Boulevard Juriquilla 3001
76230 Querétaro, Querétaro, México
Phone: (55) 56 23 4028; (442)238-1028